Hugo Prose 是一个非常轻量级的主题,拥有 WowchemyDistilltufte.css 的一些特性。这个主题仅使用了文本元素(不含任何图片、图标和表情)。这个主题默认集成了两个 JavaScript 库,分别是 MathJaxhighlight.js,用于显示数学公式和代码高亮。除此之外,还手打了几行 JavaScript 代码。该主题使用了 300 行自定义的 CSS,没有使用 CSS 库。







每个页面的页眉和页脚都有一个菜单。页眉菜单在 config.yamlmenu 下面的 header 选项中定义;页脚菜单在 menu 下面的 footer 选项中定义。

    - name: Home
      url: "/"
      weight: 1
    - name: About
      url: "/about/"
      weight: 2
    - name: Contact
      url: "/404.html"
      weight: 1
    - name: Categories
      url: "/categories/"
      weight: 2
      pre: "optional"

菜单项的 url 既可以相对 URL,也可以是外部链接(例如,url: "")。菜单项的顺序由权重值决定。如果菜单项有 pre 值,它将被用作菜单项的类。特殊值 optional 表示该菜单项将在小屏幕上隐藏1

菜单中的链接除了可以在 menu 下的 header 中定义,还可以在每一个页面的 yaml 头中定义。

title: About Hugo Prose
    name: About
    weight: 2

如果没有 name 参数,则菜单将以 title 显示。这个特性可以将任一文档加入菜单中去。在提供了便捷性的同时,对于菜单的维护也造成了一些困扰。

可通过 config.yaml 中的参数 stickyMenu 使标题菜单悬停在页面上方:

  stickyMenu: true


主页的主体部分包括简介(introduction)、一系列信息卡(info cards),然后是一些最新的帖子(posts)和页面(pages)。

  • 简介来源于 content/。Markdown 内容可以包含任意元素。

  • 信息卡来源于 content/card/ 目录。每个 Markdown 文件将被显示为一个独立的卡片。标题显示在左侧或者右侧2。 在 yaml 区块使用 style 可以改变卡片的样式。

  • homePosts 设置主页显示帖子的数量(默认是 6)。
  homePosts: 10
  • mainSections 设置主页显示页面的范围(例如 post、news 等)
  mainSections: ["post", "news"]


config.yamlfooter 参数中添加版权声明。

  footer: "© Frida Gomam 2015 -- 2020"


使用 Disqus 或 Utterances 实现。


This theme supports searching out of the box based on Fuse.js. A few critical configurations:

  • The site needs to generate a JSON index. This is done via a layout file index.json.json in layouts/_default/, and the config in config.yaml:

      home: [html, rss, json]
  • A menu item with the ID menu-search configured in config.yaml, e.g.,

        - name: Search
          url: "#"
          identifier: menu-search
  • The version of Fuse can be configured via the parameter fuseVersion in config.yaml, e.g.,

      fuseVersion: 6.4.3

    If no fuseVersion is specified, the latest version of Fuse.js will be used. You may also download a copy of Fuse.js to the static/ folder of your site and use this copy instead of loading it from CDN. To do that, you may download Fuse.js to, say, static/js/fuse.js and modify the partial template layouts/partials/foot_custom.html. Replace

    {{ with .Site.Params.fuseVersion }}
    <script src="{{ . }}"></script>
    {{ end }}


    <script src="{{ relURL "/js/fuse.js" }}"></script>

    That way, you can also use search when viewing the site offline, because Fuse.js is no longer loaded from CDN.



如果有多个作者,使用 author: [one, two]

作者的简介需要保存到 data/authors.yaml






脚注和引文默认显示在页面右侧3。如果想显示在左侧,可以使用 sideside-left/side-right 类。

This is a sidenote on the left side. You can include anything in the note. For example, here is a bullet list:

  • Get up
  • Do the work
  • Go to bed
<div class="side side-left">

Content to be displayed as a sidenote.




  • Author’s bio

  • Custom fields

  • License

  • Suggest changes


Mark an article as draft by adding draft: true to the YAML metadata. Draft articles are styled with a background of diagonal lines and a watermark “Draft.” For listing pages, draft articles are also indicated by the background.


Full-width elements

Apply the class fullwidth, e.g.,

<div class="fullwidth">

Content to be displayed with its maximum width.

History of stoics

Figure 3.1: Beginning around 301 BC, Zeno taught philosophy at the Stoa Poikile (“Painted Porch”), from which his philosophy got its name. Unlike the other schools of philosophy, such as the Epicureans, Zeno chose to teach his philosophy in a public space, which was a colonnade overlooking the central gathering place of Athens, the Agora.

If you want the full-width element to be scrollable, you can apply an additional class fullscroll, e.g.,

<div class="fullwidth fullscroll">

Super wide content to be scrolled horizontally.

Along the River During the Qingming Festival

Figure 3.2: This painting is known as the “Qing Court Version” of Along the River During the Qingming Festival. Here, the figural scenes are numerous and detailed, happening around noteworthy landmarks and places such as the serene rustic countryside, the Rainbow Bridge (虹橋) and its crowded markets, the lively surroundings and throughways at the city walls and gates, the busy streets and various packed shops, the secluded literati gardens, the Songzhu Hall (松竹軒) as well as the beautiful site of the Jinming Lake (金明池).

Embedded elements

Use the embed-left or embed-right class to embed a content block to be floated to the left or right, and the block will exceed the article margin by 200px, e.g.,

<div class="embed-right">

Content to be embedded onto the margin.


One application is to embed videos in an article, when the video needs a narrative. For example, you can embed a video on the right side, and provide a narrative in the body of the article, which will be on the left side of the video.

By default, the max-width of the embedded element is 600px (the actual width could be smaller), out of which 200px will be in the margin, meaning that there will be at least 400px left for the narrative in the article body.

When the screen width is smaller than 1200px, the embedded elements will be floated back into the article as normal block-level elements.


Use the quote-left or quote-right class to make content float to the left or right.

<div class="quote-left">

A quote to be floated to the left.


The quotes do not have to be literally quotes. These environments can contain any content, although quotes may be the most common application.

Here is a quote that I’ve never said.

内容的默认宽度是容器的 45%。当屏幕宽度小于 800px 时,引用将停止浮动,变成正常的块级元素。


Open face characters

The first alphabetical character in each summary block is converted to an open face character such as:

𝔸 𝔹 ℂ 𝔻 𝔼 𝔽 𝔾 ℍ 𝕀 𝕁 𝕂 𝕃 𝕄 ℕ 𝕆 ℙ ℚ ℝ 𝕊 𝕋 𝕌 𝕍 𝕎 𝕏 𝕐 ℤ 𝕒 𝕓 𝕔 𝕕 𝕖 𝕗 𝕘 𝕙 𝕚 𝕛 𝕜 𝕝 𝕞 𝕟 𝕠 𝕡 𝕢 𝕣 𝕤 𝕥 𝕦 𝕧 𝕨 𝕩 𝕪 𝕫




Attribute \ width 650 - 800px 800 - 1280px > 1280px
Menu optional items hidden shown <=
Table of contents position => body / static left margin / sticky
Floats position => body / static beside or overlapping body
Sidenotes position => body / static side
Home posts layout one column two columns <=


This theme uses the prefer-color-scheme CSS media feature to respond to the dark color theme of the system. If you change your system to the dark mode, the web pages will automatically switch to the dark mode.

Custom layouts



  • section anchors
  • 多语言支持

  1. 例如,pre: "optional" 将生成菜单项 <li class="optional">。这可能是一个不重要的项目,在屏幕显示不完全时将被隐藏。 ↩︎

  2. 标题要短,否则一行显示不完全。 ↩︎

  3. 引文需要使用 the R Markdown format 格式才能支持。Markdown 不支持插入引文。 ↩︎


Yihui Xie ( is a software engineer at RStudio. He earned his PhD from the Department of Statistics, Iowa State University. He has authored several R packages, such as knitr, bookdown, blogdown, xaringan, DT, and tinytex. He also co-authored a few other R packages, including shiny, rmarkdown, and leaflet. He has published a number of books, including Dynamic Documents with R and knitr, bookdown: Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown, blogdown: Creating Websites with R Markdown, R Markdown: The Definitive Guide, and R Markdown Cookbook. He is the founder of the Capital of Statistics ( He initiated the Chinese R conference in 2008.


We thank the authors of the Wowchemy theme, tufte.css, and the Distill framework for inspirations. Many users in the R community have asked for a Distill-like Hugo theme directly or indirectly, including but not limited to Emi Tanaka, Duncan Garmonsway, Frank Harrell, Josiah Parry, and Alison Hill. We are not sure if this Hugo Prose theme would make it easier or even harder to answer the frequently asked question “blogdown or distill?”

The images on this page are from Wikipedia entries Stoicism and 清明上河图. The CSS style for draft posts was borrowed from Fabian Tamp’s paperesque theme. Wladimir Palant’s tutorial helped a lot with our implementation of the client-side search.


Text and figures are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 4.0. The source code is licensed under MIT. The full source is available at


如果您发现本文里含有任何错误(包括错别字和标点符号),欢迎在本站的 GitHub 项目里提交修订意见。



Yihui Xie (2024). 主题介绍. BIO-SPRING. /about/about/

BibTeX citation

  title = "主题介绍",
  author = "Yihui Xie",
  year = "2024",
  journal = "BIO-SPRING",
  note = "/about/about/"