About Hugo Prose
Yihui Xie
ℍugo Prose is a minimalist theme derived from the XMin theme, and inspired by Wowchemy (previously known as the Academic theme), Distill, and tufte.css. This theme itself is completely plain-text and …
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Yihui Xie
ℍugo Prose 是一个非常轻量级的主题,拥有 Wowchemy、Distill 和 tufte.css 的一些特性。这个主题仅使用了文本元素(不含任何图片、图标和表情)。这个主题默认集成了两个 JavaScript 库,分别是 MathJax 和 highlight.js,用于显示数学公式和代码高亮。除此之外,还手打了几行 JavaScript 代码。该主题使用了 300 …
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