
# author:
# Seraphxby
# Purpose:
# 查看国家地理每日图片的Perl脚本
# history:
# v0.1 first draft
# 2010-12-8 modified by gaospecial
use warnings;
use strict;
use LWP::Simple;
my $url='http://photography.nationalgeographic.com/photography/photo-of-the-day';
my $content = get( "$url" ) || die "get the page failed!\n";
my $img;
if ($content =~ m/(.*?<\/a>)/s) {
$content = $1;
if($content =~ m/<img.*?src="([^\t]*?)"/){ # 非贪婪的数量词 *?,匹配中不含有跳格\t
$img = $1;
if($img =~ m/^(.*?)([^\/]+$)/){
$url = $1;
$img = $2;
getstore($url.$img,$img) || die "get img failed!\n";





# author:
# gaospecial@gmail.com 2010-12
# Purpose:
# 获取最近一期Cell杂志封面的Perl脚本

use warnings;
use strict;
use LWP::Simple;
my $url='http://www.cell.com/current';
my $content = get( "$url" ) || die "get the page failed!\n";
my $img;
if ($content =~ m/(.*?<\/div>)/s) {
$content = $1;
if($content =~ m/<img.*?src="([^\t]*?)".*<p.*>(.*)<\/p>/){ # get url and cation
my $img_src = $1;
my $img_cation = $2;
if($img_src =~ m/^.*?([^\/]+$)/){ # get image name
my $img_name = $1;
getstore($img_src,$img_name) || die "get img failed!\n"; # save image to current dir


此处的两部分代码,可以作为Perl LWP模块的入门范例。

Posted from GScribble.


Chun-Hui Gao is a Research Associate at Huazhong Agricultural University.


Text and figures are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 4.0. The source code is licensed under MIT. The full source is available at https://github.com/yihui/hugo-prose.


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gaoch (2010). Perl LWP:从“国家地理每日图片”到“Cell最近一期的封面”. BIO-SPRING. /post/2010/12/08/2010-12-08-perl-lwp-image-fetch/

BibTeX citation

  title = "Perl LWP:从“国家地理每日图片”到“Cell最近一期的封面”",
  author = "gaoch",
  year = "2010",
  journal = "BIO-SPRING",
  note = "/post/2010/12/08/2010-12-08-perl-lwp-image-fetch/"