使用 clusterProfiler 的内置富集函数做代谢物富集分析。

# 加载必要的包
## Registered S3 methods overwritten by 'treeio':
##   method              from    
##   MRCA.phylo          tidytree
##   MRCA.treedata       tidytree
##   Nnode.treedata      tidytree
##   Ntip.treedata       tidytree
##   ancestor.phylo      tidytree
##   ancestor.treedata   tidytree
##   child.phylo         tidytree
##   child.treedata      tidytree
##   full_join.phylo     tidytree
##   full_join.treedata  tidytree
##   groupClade.phylo    tidytree
##   groupClade.treedata tidytree
##   groupOTU.phylo      tidytree
##   groupOTU.treedata   tidytree
##   inner_join.phylo    tidytree
##   inner_join.treedata tidytree
##   is.rooted.treedata  tidytree
##   nodeid.phylo        tidytree
##   nodeid.treedata     tidytree
##   nodelab.phylo       tidytree
##   nodelab.treedata    tidytree
##   offspring.phylo     tidytree
##   offspring.treedata  tidytree
##   parent.phylo        tidytree
##   parent.treedata     tidytree
##   root.treedata       tidytree
##   rootnode.phylo      tidytree
##   sibling.phylo       tidytree
## clusterProfiler v4.10.0  For help: https://yulab-smu.top/biomedical-knowledge-mining-book/
## If you use clusterProfiler in published research, please cite:
## T Wu, E Hu, S Xu, M Chen, P Guo, Z Dai, T Feng, L Zhou, W Tang, L Zhan, X Fu, S Liu, X Bo, and G Yu. clusterProfiler 4.0: A universal enrichment tool for interpreting omics data. The Innovation. 2021, 2(3):100141
## Attaching package: 'clusterProfiler'
## The following object is masked from 'package:stats':
##     filter
# 构造感兴趣的代谢物列表
metabolite_list = c("Metabolite1", "Metabolite2", "Metabolite3", "Metabolite6", "Metabolite7")

# 构造代谢途径与代谢物的映射关系 (TERM2GENE)
term2gene = data.frame(
    Pathway = c("Pathway1", "Pathway1", "Pathway1", "Pathway2", "Pathway2", 
                "Pathway3", "Pathway3", "Pathway4", "Pathway4", "Pathway5"),
    Metabolite = c("Metabolite1", "Metabolite2", "Metabolite3", "Metabolite4", "Metabolite5", 
                   "Metabolite6", "Metabolite7", "Metabolite8", "Metabolite9", "Metabolite10")

# 构造代谢途径描述信息 (TERM2NAME)
term2name = data.frame(
    Pathway = c("Pathway1", "Pathway2", "Pathway3", "Pathway4", "Pathway5"),
    Description = c("Metabolic Pathway 1", "Metabolic Pathway 2", "Metabolic Pathway 3", 
                    "Metabolic Pathway 4", "Metabolic Pathway 5")

# 使用 enricher 函数进行代谢物富集分析
result = enricher(
    gene = metabolite_list,
    pvalueCutoff = 0.5, # 调高 cutoff 以得到结果
    pAdjustMethod = "BH",
    TERM2GENE = term2gene,
    TERM2NAME = term2name,
    minGSSize = 1  # 将默认的 10 改成 1,否则也得不到结果

# 查看结果
if (!is.null(result)) {
    # 可视化结果
    dotplot(result, showCategory = 5)
} else {
##                ID         Description GeneRatio BgRatio     pvalue  p.adjust
## Pathway1 Pathway1 Metabolic Pathway 1       3/5    3/10 0.08333333 0.1666667
##             qvalue                              geneID Count
## Pathway1 0.1666667 Metabolite1/Metabolite2/Metabolite3     3


Chun-Hui Gao is a Research Associate at Huazhong Agricultural University.


Text and figures are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 4.0. The source code is licensed under MIT. The full source is available at https://github.com/yihui/hugo-prose.


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gaoch (2024). ClusterProfiler做代谢物富集分析. BIO-SPRING. /post/2024/12/29/clusterprofiler-metabolite-enrichment-analysis/

BibTeX citation

  title = "ClusterProfiler做代谢物富集分析",
  author = "gaoch",
  year = "2024",
  journal = "BIO-SPRING",
  note = "/post/2024/12/29/clusterprofiler-metabolite-enrichment-analysis/"