The Massive RT-PCR Primer Designer is based on Primer3 and BioPerl toolbox, and was derived from the standalone codes which have been discussed by two previous blog posts (Post 1 and Post 2).


You may access the service at The Massive RT-PCR Primer Designer.

What this tool needs is your fasta file, which contains one or more nucleotide sequences that will be use as PCR template. Upload this file and the tool will generate the most ideal primer pairs suitable for quantitive Real-Time PCR (qRT-PCR). The primers will be supplied as a downloadable Excel file.

Notably, the amplicon size of these RT-PCR primers are spanning from 150 bp to 250 bp.

Powered by AliYun, the service is available at 7×24h.

By the way, apply this promotion code u6fovy when you buy Aliyun service for a 10% OFF.


Chun-Hui Gao is a Research Associate at Huazhong Agricultural University.


Text and figures are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 4.0. The source code is licensed under MIT. The full source is available at


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gaoch (2016). Massive RT-PCR Primer Designer is online. BIO-SPRING. /post/2016/01/16/2016-01-16-massive-rt-pcr-primer-designer-is-online/

BibTeX citation

  title = "Massive RT-PCR Primer Designer is online",
  author = "gaoch",
  year = "2016",
  journal = "BIO-SPRING",
  note = "/post/2016/01/16/2016-01-16-massive-rt-pcr-primer-designer-is-online/"