
## Loading required package: permute
## Loading required package: lattice
## This is vegan 2.6-4
pca <- rda(varespec)


## Call:
## rda(X = varespec) 
## Partitioning of variance:
##               Inertia Proportion
## Total            1826          1
## Unconstrained    1826          1
## Eigenvalues, and their contribution to the variance 
## Importance of components:
##                            PC1      PC2       PC3     PC4      PC5      PC6
## Eigenvalue            982.9788 464.3040 132.25052 73.9337 48.41829 37.00937
## Proportion Explained    0.5384   0.2543   0.07244  0.0405  0.02652  0.02027
## Cumulative Proportion   0.5384   0.7927   0.86519  0.9057  0.93220  0.95247
##                            PC7      PC8       PC9      PC10     PC11     PC12
## Eigenvalue            25.72624 19.70557 12.274191 10.435361 9.350783 2.798400
## Proportion Explained   0.01409  0.01079  0.006723  0.005716 0.005122 0.001533
## Cumulative Proportion  0.96657  0.97736  0.984083  0.989799 0.994921 0.996454
##                           PC13      PC14      PC15      PC16      PC17
## Eigenvalue            2.327555 1.3917180 1.2057303 0.8147513 0.3312842
## Proportion Explained  0.001275 0.0007623 0.0006604 0.0004463 0.0001815
## Cumulative Proportion 0.997729 0.9984910 0.9991515 0.9995977 0.9997792
##                            PC18      PC19      PC20      PC21      PC22
## Eigenvalue            0.1866564 1.065e-01 6.362e-02 2.521e-02 1.652e-02
## Proportion Explained  0.0001022 5.835e-05 3.485e-05 1.381e-05 9.048e-06
## Cumulative Proportion 0.9998814 9.999e-01 1.000e+00 1.000e+00 1.000e+00
##                            PC23
## Eigenvalue            4.590e-03
## Proportion Explained  2.514e-06
## Cumulative Proportion 1.000e+00
## Scaling 2 for species and site scores
## * Species are scaled proportional to eigenvalues
## * Sites are unscaled: weighted dispersion equal on all dimensions
## * General scaling constant of scores:  14.31485 
## Species scores
##                 PC1        PC2        PC3        PC4        PC5        PC6
## Callvulg -1.470e-01  0.3483315 -2.506e-01  0.6029965  0.3961208 -4.608e-01
## Empenigr  1.645e-01 -0.3731965 -5.543e-01 -0.7565217 -0.7432702 -3.484e-01
## Rhodtome -6.787e-02 -0.0810708 -6.464e-02 -0.0963929 -0.1749038 -4.008e-02
## Vaccmyrt -5.429e-01 -0.7446016  1.973e-01 -0.2791788 -0.5688937 -3.689e-01
## Vaccviti  9.013e-02 -0.7247759 -6.555e-01 -1.3366155 -0.7107105 -2.615e-01
## Pinusylv  3.404e-02 -0.0132527  4.465e-04 -0.0079399 -0.0012504  3.800e-03
## Descflex -7.359e-02 -0.0961364  6.485e-02 -0.0158203 -0.0741307 -5.328e-02
## Betupube -8.789e-04 -0.0008548 -6.637e-03 -0.0077726 -0.0072147  4.759e-04
## Vacculig -6.959e-02  0.2123669  6.410e-02  0.0136389 -0.0712061 -1.179e-01
## Diphcomp  3.807e-03  0.0333497 -1.026e-02 -0.0291455 -0.0086379 -2.263e-02
## Dicrsp   -4.663e-01 -0.3675288 -1.143e-01 -0.2490898  0.7694280  1.225e+00
## Dicrfusc -1.176e+00 -0.4484656 -1.338e+00  2.1943059 -0.9187333  4.027e-02
## Dicrpoly -1.597e-02 -0.0326269 -6.610e-02 -0.1166483 -0.0369723  6.576e-02
## Hylosple -2.935e-01 -0.4217426  4.523e-01 -0.0656152 -0.0358715 -2.234e-01
## Pleuschr -3.890e+00 -4.3657447  2.343e+00  0.3747564  0.1476496 -3.060e-01
## Polypili -5.032e-04  0.0069583  7.660e-03 -0.0005528 -0.0034856  5.849e-03
## Polyjuni -9.888e-02 -0.0584117 -7.234e-02 -0.0518007  0.0438920  1.472e-01
## Polycomm -4.028e-03 -0.0057429 -5.248e-03 -0.0104641 -0.0058180  9.059e-05
## Pohlnuta  9.473e-03 -0.0116498 -1.010e-02 -0.0112498 -0.0009520  7.691e-03
## Ptilcili -2.749e-02 -0.0257213 -2.522e-01 -0.3745203 -0.2917694 -4.907e-03
## Barbhatc -6.264e-03 -0.0070227 -7.152e-02 -0.1029116 -0.0825601 -1.183e-03
## Cladarbu -7.281e-01  3.0180666  2.016e-01  0.1400429  0.8708266 -1.253e+00
## Cladrang  8.117e-01  4.2257879  2.338e+00  0.2831533 -0.7644829  4.473e-01
## Cladstel  9.580e+00 -2.0074825  6.078e-01  0.4155714  0.1401899 -2.112e-01
## Cladunci -3.796e-01  0.0706264 -6.867e-01  0.1413783  0.9384995  1.495e-01
## Cladcocc  5.652e-03  0.0096766 -3.946e-03  0.0117038  0.0033077 -4.020e-03
## Cladcorn -1.367e-02 -0.0047214 -1.714e-02 -0.0270900  0.0004555  1.197e-03
## Cladgrac -1.037e-02  0.0083562 -6.489e-03 -0.0132067  0.0018124  1.012e-02
## Cladfimb  3.163e-03  0.0028937 -1.436e-02  0.0004203 -0.0043761 -1.344e-02
## Cladcris -2.649e-02  0.0010675 -4.626e-02 -0.0128097  0.0150875 -3.677e-02
## Cladchlo  1.347e-02 -0.0054141 -7.871e-03 -0.0099859 -0.0028496 -4.324e-04
## Cladbotr -2.051e-03 -0.0009378 -5.815e-03 -0.0095913 -0.0057131 -1.141e-03
## Cladamau  3.733e-05  0.0020956  3.925e-04 -0.0009025 -0.0009981  2.615e-04
## Cladsp    6.254e-03 -0.0021214 -1.997e-03  0.0011793  0.0023250 -3.246e-03
## Cetreric -4.938e-03  0.0079861 -1.740e-02  0.0046582  0.0488265  1.964e-02
## Cetrisla  1.715e-02 -0.0103936 -1.530e-02 -0.0214109 -0.0140577  3.490e-03
## Flavniva  8.793e-02  0.0932642 -3.761e-03  0.0536027  0.1450323  1.915e-03
## Nepharct -5.549e-02 -0.0368786 -3.638e-02  0.0055964  0.0415127  1.027e-01
## Stersp   -5.531e-02  0.3478548  2.425e-01  0.0088566 -0.1772134  2.711e-01
## Peltapht -3.661e-03 -0.0014739  1.729e-03 -0.0067221 -0.0043042 -5.434e-05
## Icmaeric -1.435e-03  0.0040087  1.296e-03  0.0023703 -0.0024341  2.959e-03
## Cladcerv  8.746e-04  0.0001554  2.667e-05  0.0004662  0.0006877  7.336e-04
## Claddefo -5.274e-02  0.0023107 -8.009e-02 -0.0278485  0.0198955 -1.490e-02
## Cladphyl  1.581e-02 -0.0057716  5.064e-04  0.0010606  0.0027075 -1.441e-03
## Site scores (weighted sums of species scores)
##         PC1      PC2      PC3      PC4       PC5      PC6
## 18 -1.02674  2.59169 -1.53869 -3.23113 -1.104731 -2.20341
## 15 -2.64700 -1.62646  1.01889  1.88048  1.152767 -1.41888
## 24 -2.44595 -2.01412  0.12182 -2.44215  5.875564  8.03640
## 27 -3.02575 -4.32492  4.44163 -1.54364 -2.466762 -2.57141
## 23 -1.86899 -0.35380 -1.98920 -4.11912 -2.428561 -0.85734
## 19 -0.02298 -1.59265 -0.43949 -1.43686  1.058122 -1.18048
## 22 -2.53975 -1.70578 -4.10001  7.63091 -5.062274 -0.64415
## 16 -2.08714  0.06163 -2.32296  5.84188 -3.568851  1.63566
## 28 -3.77083 -5.80241  6.57611  0.02751  0.908046 -3.10610
## 13 -0.38714  2.82852 -0.32352  2.12507  3.631355 -3.88730
## 14 -1.75570  0.75366 -5.69429  1.68697  6.098213 -1.28171
## 20 -1.65653  0.32765 -1.93100 -2.50536  0.065456  1.72887
## 25 -2.39601 -1.83554 -1.65364  0.24230  1.756334  4.36881
## 7  -1.08594  5.78134  1.89095 -0.90494 -0.006891 -2.44158
## 5  -0.80203  6.28624  4.85360  0.70195 -3.707269  5.90752
## 6  -0.19764  5.11581  1.24710 -0.70641  1.876853 -4.68229
## 3   3.79496  1.11636  1.93079  1.75008 -0.164043  1.75417
## 4   1.24779  1.77832 -0.17925  1.13363  2.999648  0.07212
## 2   5.49157 -0.67853  1.58337  1.13337 -1.472922  1.97780
## 9   6.02767 -3.10958 -1.09190 -0.28517  0.894284 -1.20958
## 12  4.19915 -1.40814 -0.06645 -0.79569 -0.790560 -0.37424
## 10  6.18267 -2.32211 -0.76545  0.43683  0.430813 -0.78609
## 11  1.09782  0.55023  3.41127  0.38027 -0.325506  1.07113
## 21 -0.32554 -0.41738 -4.97967 -7.00076 -5.649086  0.09209


vegan 的结果处理成 data.frame 才能用于 ggplot2。这个过程比较复杂,不过还好有人已经造好了轮子:ggvegan1



使用 autoplot()

## Loading required package: ggplot2
# 使用空白主题

# 一键绘图

还可以使用 fortify() 将对象转变为 data.frame,然后再作图。

# 生成数据框
df.pca <- fortify(pca)

# 查看数据
score label PC1 PC2 PC3
species Callvulg -0.1469634 0.3483315 -0.2505840
species Empenigr 0.1645106 -0.3731965 -0.5543083
species Rhodtome -0.0678718 -0.0810708 -0.0646412
species Vaccmyrt -0.5428697 -0.7446016 0.1973452
species Vaccviti 0.0901303 -0.7247759 -0.6554941
# 绘图
## Loading required package: dplyr
## Attaching package: 'dplyr'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
##     filter, lag
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
ggplot(mapping=aes(PC1,PC2,shape=score,color=score)) +
  geom_point(data=dplyr::filter(df.pca,score=="sites")) +
               mapping = aes(x=0,y=0,xend=PC1,yend=PC2),
               arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.1,"inches")),show.legend = F) +
  geom_text(mapping = aes(PC1,PC2,label=label),data=filter(df.pca,score=="species"),show.legend = F)



Chun-Hui Gao is a Research Associate at Huazhong Agricultural University.


Text and figures are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 4.0. The source code is licensed under MIT. The full source is available at https://github.com/yihui/hugo-prose.


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gaoch (2018). 排序分析结果作图. BIO-SPRING. /post/2018/10/22/plot-pca-using-ggplot2/

BibTeX citation

  title = "排序分析结果作图",
  author = "gaoch",
  year = "2018",
  journal = "BIO-SPRING",
  note = "/post/2018/10/22/plot-pca-using-ggplot2/"